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ELX Forum: Frankfurt 2024 (Partners)



All the world’s a stage, and data is the main character

14 May 2024
Room Rotunde

Despite being a hot industry topic for what feels like decades, data is generally still yet to transition from the role of thorn in event leader's side to the hero of our story. When we look at in-person events alone, 41% of those surveyed told us they don't have enough data, and yet the rest of us seem to have more than we know what to do with. Like Hansel and Gretel, we’re all a bit lost.


So where are the real corporate event challenges when it comes to data in 2024, and where should we be looking to use it to:

• Personalise the attendee experience

• Design your program and measure impact


Nicola Kastner, event strategist and top of the call sheet industry thought leader, is joining us at ELX Forum, Frankfurt to explore the challenge of data in events today, and how it will help us tomorrow.



In groups, members will be given a mock event and a data type. Together, they must brainstorm and document for a storyboard presentation how they would use that data type practically to:

• Personalise the attendee experience

• Design your program and measure impact

David Kliman, Co-Founder - ELX
Chloe Richardson, Community Engagement Director - ELX
Nicola Kastner, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - ELX